Monday, February 9, 2009


Tupperware Inspira magazine

Detoxification is based on the principle that illnesses can be caused by the accumulation of toxic substances in the body. These include heavy metals and various chemicals such as pesticides, pollutants, and food additives. Drugs and alcohol have toxic effects on the body. Digestion of food also creates toxic by-products. Some people’s digestive tract becomes unable to digest food properly due to years of overeating and diets high in fat and processed foods and low in fiber. When this happens, food cannot pass through the digestive tract efficiently. Instead of being digested properly or eliminated from the bowel, food can literally rot inside the digestive tract and produce toxic by-products. This state is known as toxic colon syndrome or intestinal toxemia.

The body has natural methods of detoxification. Individual cells detoxify in the lymphatic system. The liver is the main organ for detoxification assisted by the kidneys, intestines and skin. Detoxification therapies try to activate and assist the body’s own detoxification process.

Proper detoxification specialists will do a host of tests of the blood, urine and allergic reactions. They will enact dietary changes, eliminating allergy-causing and unhealthy foods, and emphasizing foods that assist detoxification and healing – low fat, high fibre, vegetarian with a raw food emphasis. Processed foods, alcohol and caffeine are avoided. Nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, and essential fatty acids are often prescribed here as well as herbal supplements.

For toxic bowel syndrome, herbal laxatives and high fiber foods such as psyllium seeds are given to cleanse the digestive tract. Colonics are used to cleanse the lower intestines.

Lacto-Fiber contains both soluble fiber to absorb intestinal toxins and insoluble fiber to cleanse the colon. Lacto-fiber also contains important nutrients to prevent colon cancer that results from toxins accumulating in the intestinal tract. It also help rid toxins trapped in the lymphatic system.

Other methods
Certain doctors also provide chelation therapy to rid the body of heavy metals. Some of them also offer colonic lavage to clean out your lower intestine.

Fasting is another major therapy in detoxification. It is one of the quickest ways to eliminate stored toxins in the body and to prompt the healing process. There are various types of fast – liquid fast, juice fast, etc. All in all we should fast regularly to keep healthy.

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